Hi Anton, Can you post some sample files?
Hi Jan, I’ll take a look and post back. Cheers, Dave
No problem Jan! I was glad to help, and it was an interesting challenge. The struct could do with a few more functions, and I’m not sure if the name i…
OK – the first version is all done. Provides methods to run max commands from an ActiveX HTML page. Also, provides simple methods to write back to th…
For those interested, check the discreet board…
Hey Dan! Yeah… I guess I’m new around here, heh heh Flash is getting so advanced now, it can be difficult to know where to start. You could try – …
Have a search on scriptspot for some Flash wads Swami put together. they contain about 3 example files I wrote about 2-3 years ago which have some Fla…
To get you over your step 2 problem, try something like this: baseName = “gameMesh” execute (“objArr = $” + basename + “* as array”) for obj in objA…
Probably safer to reapply the existing modifiers to the existing object: – original b = box height:100 heightsegs:10 isselected:true addmodifier $ (S…
Something that escaped me for a long time when learning to program was that variables can hold more than just basic values such as strings or numbers….
Nice. Thanks!
Also, use Volume, instead of Vertex to spread the particles out more naturally.
Not much point scripting it really… just use the PFlow parameters to grab geometry. Add a Shape Instance operator, and select any geometry you want to…
Hey Haider, $ is shorthand for selection, so if you had 5 objects selected, the above code would wipe all of them. Likewise, you can mass-change other…
Check the discreet board… a little script is waiting for you.