Not sure what you mean there. Care to elaborate? ps. Say Hi to Joe for me.
Hey Guys, Interesting thread! I wrote a struct library while back that does all this with one or two lines of code! It may need some cleaning up to go…
This should get you started: — to set the animation range to the environment duration v = environmentMap.bitmap.numframes animationrange = (interv…
I’m having a geeky weekend-in programming… shhh!!
You could do using the following methods: property = “count” — method 1 val = getProperty bottleCollection property — method 2 execute (“val …
MaxScript 100% rocks! You’ll have bags of fun. Enjoy!
No problem! Out of interest, what’s your background? What are you hoping to achieve in max?
I dunno! As much as I used the block controller (which wasn’t that much) I always felt that it felt like an after-thought, which is probably the reaso…
Check out MasterBlock : MasterBlockController in the help. It looks pretty limited compared to the other controller functions.
Did you get any output in the macro-recorder?
If you are setting user properties, this is part of the string-based properties of an object that you can see in the “properties > user properties”…
Interesting stuff! The “manual” way is just fine for me at the moment, but that could be useful in the future. Cheers, Dave
I got it: def = attributes theCaDef redefine:def = ( … ) Cheers, Dave