I’ve done A* (or similar) in Flash, but never MXS. You could also use the distance function: if distance [1,1] [2,2] > 1 then print “expensive!”
Hi Peter, Thanks for the reply. > Your idea have not large application Well, I wouldn’t be so sure about that! I animate things along paths more …
What a great tool! I wish I had this last week when I was doing a whole load of animation of objects along trajectories – it would have been REALLY u…
Thinking about it… apart from the logic, it’s because the function is recursive. Even though you return from one function, the rest of the tree of fun…
Your logic is flawed in the function, so the function is recursing the children correctly, but not returning anything – apart from the default “OK”. …
It’s a pain isn’t it!
Not that I know of. You have to use getSaveFileName, but you can stick in a path: getSaveFileName filename:”c:\ est.test” types:”Test Files (*.test)|…
Good work fella
Hmmm… I probably could – but as with most busy people don’t have the time! In my head I think I know the maths, but it would take a bit of testing to …
There you go… bit of an update. Thought I’d add teh scaling option too so now it’s a bit more versatile. If you wanted to extend it, you could probbal…
Yeah, the new scripted controllers (IScriptCtrl) can use weak references to nodes in the scene, as oposed to the old “depndsOn”. If you like I can edi…
Ah, sorry about that. Yeah – the script was actually written to do just what you’re doing… constrain lights to particles. I’ll take a look now with a …
Hey, I wrote the following script a while back to lock objects’ position / rotation to PFlow particles using scripted controllers. It works for what …