Hi Harry, I’ve never used Reactor, but I thought I’d have a fiddle. This worked for me; am I missing your point? c = CSolver() p = Point_Point() c.ad…
I wrote a load of text layout scripts for a project last year. If you want each letter to remain as an editable TextShape (but laid out nicely) this w…
Subrollouts, anyone? rollout ro1 “Rollout” height:200 ( subrollout sro1 “sub rollout” height:180 ) rollout sro1 “sub rollout” height:200 ( button bt…
Hi John, Well my definition of a bug is something that is broken, and I wouldn’t say this is broken, more just the way it is. I just tested it in max…
I don’t think so. It’s just allowing you to store Integer64 values as User Properties. n = 64L setUserProp $ “my64Int” n x = pow (getUserProp $ “…
Hi Dan, I love conundrums like this, so I had a crack: for obj in objects do ( local prop = getuserprop obj “SYSTEM_SIDE” format “% : % ” prop …
Why bother with lights at all? You coudl just let max use it’s default lighting. Also, if you don’t want to render everything, I’m pretty sure in the…
It doesn’t really matter to be honest with you; all that script does is create some objects to save then merge into an empty scene. The thing you need…
This one should be pretty simple. No workarounds needed! v = point3 50 50 50 s = sphere pos:(random v -v) t = teapot pos:(random v -v) …
What you need here is: objName = “Bip_T_01” obj = getNodeByName objName select obj If you have a read through “Node Common Properties, Operators, a…
for obj in geometry do saveNodes obj (“c:\ emp\\” +obj.name+ “.max”) quiet:true EDIT: Sorry Andreas, posted at the same time!
For simplicity’s sake, you could go with try/catch, however if you’re writing the data in the first place as XML I would just include a “type” attribu…
If it’s just simple stuff, perhaps you could filterString the string into it’s component parts, filter out operators, then test for defined strings, o…
WOAH! How mad is this!!? If you turn on animation mode, then run the script to start the game and play the timeline – max records all the animation, …
Thanks for the compliments, chaps! It’s been ages since I’ve done any maxscripting so it was nice to get my teeth into this one. If I get time I’ll p…