Absolutely! No more help from now on…
In order to get the resampled bitmap values, you could just use the bitmap copy commands. max reset file s = sphere radius:50 Viewport.ZoomToBounds f…
If I understand you correctly, no. Instead you would put the newly created objects into an array, then reference the members of that array. Seeing …
Sure: mod 10 3
It’s ByReference parameter passing (as opposed to by value). A simple example: fn square &n = (n = n * n) n = 3 –3 square &n …
Well-funny though…
Ooooh… Meeeooow!
Hey, In English we say: “odd” : 1, 3, 5 “even” : 2, 4, 6 “Power of” would be: “to the power of 2” or “squared” : 4 x 4 = 16 “to the power of 3” or “…
Sure. If the subrollouts were declared as global, just reference the subrollout property as you would a rollout property. – in subrollout sro1 on spn…
Hmm… you seem to be muddling quite a few things up here. if classOf obj == NxActor – you don’t need to convert the classname to a string, just check …
Custom attribute then…
If you use a callback on the way in, you could storethe value and retreive it later: fn addOriginalDirectoryUserProp = ( for obj in (getCurrentSele…
sysInfo.currentdir always reflects the last directry that max accessed (from what I know, anyway) be that a file export, script open or a material’s m…
Another option is to create, say 100, edit texts then move them outside the bouns of the rollout. Then when teh spinner changes value, you just move t…
Ahh… simple mistake! You’re asking max to execute the global function “addConstraint” (see “Controller Functions for use with Constraint Assignment…