It looks like you can write stuff for splines, but you’d have to jump in and test your script. From “Scripted SimpleMod Plug-ins” in the help: [col…
Thanks for the kind words guys! By the way – in case you hadn’t discovered by now, the panel can be docked on either side of the screen. And Shane;…
Hey Shane, Peter, Here’s that tool I promised ya:Macro Lister 0.5 Lists all installed macros in a tree-view, by category…
I’ll have a look when I get home tonight! (or tomorrow)
PS. Both myself and Light have already created a tool that lists all macros and sticks them in a categorized list that docks on one side of the screen…
They don’t tell you but: ss = stringstream “” Macros.list to:ss I normally try doing this to anything that prints to the listener to see what happe…
You need to run this from the command prompt / Run dialog… To register: regsvr32 “c:/path/to/your/axcontrol.ocx” To unregister: regsvr32 /u “c:/path…
Just save your .ms file in ‘3dsMax9\Scripts\Startup’
You’re going to have a seriously useful little controller here when you’re done, Chris… I’m really looking forward to it. Damn I wish I had the time …
Argh! There’s always pesky hurdles to overcome, aren’t there? If you want to ping me the dlc I’ll PM you with my email. All good Robin Hood.
Very exciting results Chris! How does it look in the track view? I’m looking forward to actually editing that fcurve in real units! One thing I woul…
Yeah, as I said the maths is pretty straightforward. It’s just the SDK dependancies I’m hoping won’t throw a spanner in the works. Nice site BTW
Hey Chris, Nice to hear from ya! I was doing some ideas-crunching before and supposed that the toggle thing may not work, as in the track view,…
Hi Joel, The key thing here is not the units of measurement; it’s the distance along the spline as units not a percentage. By having everything rela…