Unless there’s another command that I don’t know, you could just do a collect: materials = for m in scenematerials where superclassof m == material c…
There’s always Flash, too.
Hey Stuart, Happy to help =) You know all this information is in the MaxScript help, don’t you? Look at the last but 1 topic in the contents, MacScr…
I had to visualize the paths of particles recently, so I dumped the particle positions to an array, then built splines from the position data. You can…
I just wanted to say thanks for your help Bobo. The split approach worked for me on this occasion. I basically grabbed the position and rotation separ…
Hi Daniel, Great! I’ll have a check when I get home from work later. Thanks for chiming in, Dave
Dubbie: in almost every singe case there was a much better way to do things. True. Have you looked at storing your variables in a struct, or arra…
Thanks Bobo, Well, this is a “just for fun” script, but I’ll check your script out and take inspiration! Cheers, Dave
Now I’m remembering what a faff scripted plugins are. Whenever I go to my modify panel, max crashes. Is this me being a bit stoopid, or is this scrip…
OK – I’ve forced an update by adding an animatable property, and assigning an expression controller. Is this the way to go!?
Something like this will work. topleft = [10,30,50] bottomRight = [5,5,5] dims = topLeft – bottomRight b = box width:dims.x height:dims.z lengt…
I have been battling with similar stuff on this thread: There may be something useful for you there?
This is beginning to make sense to me now. As the Max camera has already been rotated 90 degrees in max to make it look front, then is rotated again …
davestewart: Perhaps I need to separate the two lots of transforms to get the correct data. I’m doing some tests with separating the 2 transforms…