Hey Patrick, I had a quick look but I probably don’t have time to tinker properly (shame). One thing I definately would do would be to create a new …
Hmm… you may need to explain again what you are trying to achieve. I looked at the mesh pivots, and they are all aligned to the world XYZ, so I’m no…
Hey Patrick, Can you post a scene?
Hey again Carlo, An index basically means “a number within a range”, so in this case I was referring to your range of 1 – 12. Indices are always integ…
Hi Carlo, I’m not too sure what you’re aiming to do with the letters (is this for keyboard input of something?) but you might like to use strings, not…
It’s a pre-emptive strike – I’m going through all my old scripts at the mo, so I’m sure I’ll come up with some annoyances in the next day or so! I th…
Excellent stuff! If you like this sort of thing you should also take a look at Actionscript and Processing. Really easy and fun to build generative a…
Post back what you come up with Samuel, I really like this kind of project! Cheers, Dave
I think it depends what kind of animation you want, and the scale of the scene. It could be really fun to define some behaviours and let the script d…
Maybe post some diagrams; it’s a bit difficult to get a handle on what your describing from your description
Actually, omitting return is best-practice in MaxScript, as behind the scenes C++ is performing a try/catch. So… fn addNumbers a b = (local result …
I didn’t think this would work either, but it seems to be quite happy: ( — caller function fn test arg = ( local scopedVariable = (random 1…
Sounds like a bit of a faff if everyone has to create a text file for themselves. Using the max ini file would be much cleaner. (I couldn’t resist ha…
Hey Abhishek, Just a quickie, but you could simplify your points calculation in this bit: abyjoe: new = [0,0,0] new.x = (n*p1.x+m*p…