ok, make a new script… paste this in and drag it onto a new toolbar. this will toggle figure mode on and off for a selected bip with some more scripti…
ok give this a shot: a = “M_house10_Standard” b = filterstring a “_” c = (b[1] as string) + (b[2] as string) + “DX9” that should allow you to strip…
ok easy peasy, you can either use: x = 50 y = “the variable is ” + (x as string) messagebox (y) or give it a string directly: messagebox “this is a…
sorry Impus. cant do that its kind of a NDA sort of thing… but I managed to get it working but not having it export the file to .fbx Which is why i t…
ok i think i got it. It appears to be a problem with the fbx exporter plugin. when i changed the format to export to it runs fine. if i switch it back…
well i gave it a whirl but i am still getting the error. but will continue to look into it. i suspect that the scripts are calling the same variable o…
cheers impus appreciate this. what was wrong with the script? I need to know so i can learn from my mistake
Ok I think i know whats hapening… for some reason the variable storing the filename is becoming undefined. and when its exported its causes the error,…
not sure aaaaCHoooo but thin that a vairable on ly contains one item but an array can contain any number of indexes. I dont have max on this machine …
Doh! just realsed what i was doing wrong. there was a small error that was causing it to end a little early and not place keys properly cheers aaaaCHo…
no thats how i am doing it at the moment. thing is i can see it kind of setting keys but it isnt recording them… ho hum back to the drawing board i gu…