Have you looked into the biped methods? For instance, if you type in biped into the listener, it will return all the methods for the biped class. Th…
Try: getfilenamefile (soundtrax.name(1)) And get back to me. If that doesn’t work, simply do this: stxName = soundtrax.name(1) getfilenamefile s…
Quick post: getFileNamePath getFileNameFile getFileNameType They each take a path string and return the portion you want. Easy! Look them up in th…
That would depend on how this SoundTrax plugin works. I took a look at the plugin website, and it looks like they have a good number of maxscript meth…
You need to manually tell it to go to the vertex level: subobjectLevel = 1 -Dave
stegge: setKnotSelection § 1 #[1,36] –1 is the first 36 the last knot splineOps.weld $ Well, you syntax is wrong in 2 places. The syntax for an …
There are more spline menthods in the maxscript help file under SplineShape : Shape This one is what you want: setKnotSelection $ 1 #(1) setKnotSel…
I think he means the drop-down list that’s usually to the left of the bind-spacewarp icon in the main tool panel. I’m looking into it. It sounds like …
As for the morpher modifiers, you have two options. The first is based on an assumption, and assumptions are generally bad. The assumption is that eac…
$ and selection and $selection have some issues. If a single object is selected, then $ will return that single node. But if multiple objects are sel…
for i in $.material do print i.name The multisub material stores the nested materials as an array. –Edit: If you have nested multisubs you will ha…
If you are refering to the quad menus, then yes. Simply make the script as a macro script and put it in the UI/Macroscripts folder of your max install…
Perhaps a better solution would be to optimize what you are doing. Could you explain a bit what operations you are attempting and perhaps we can help …
You’re reading the help file wrong. You’re probably talking about this section: parameters <name> [type:#class] [rollout:<name>] ( { &l…
Works just as expected. You have to make sure that you know the name of the object in the scene you are xrefing. For instance: Say I have a scene s…