Think I found part of the problem. Didn’t realize that value both ‘points’ and ‘value’ were both read only which would make it impossible to add value…
Still not working. Here’s what I’ve tried. DOSCommand “D: ew folder\exif\ExifTool\IMG_0373.JPG” + ” -h ” + “D: ew folder\exif\ExifTool\Exiftool.exe” …
Doing experimenting with previz and postviz with framing shots in cg as well as have way to make own crop scale easily render out to with the exact ma…
Still having trouble with figuring this out. Have managed to find how to calculate top margins to line up with top of frame but still can’t find where…
Thanks! Tried that and it worked.
Not exactly. I’m creating a modifier which includes listbox with different lenses for user to create, remove or select. Have found that with parameter…
Thanks. That worked.