tell me more
ok yes …thanks…I’l look it up…(chestnuts out of the fire? Must be an american thing)
yeep…thanks Io…now I’ve forgotton why I’m fighting the dot net thing…it’s faster, right? But speed isn’t the issue really…thnx again
thanks…the param tho…I was wanting to transfer specific morph targets…not form width … edit///ok I get it…I’ll try with some real arguments…
Io – I couldn’t get the parameter to attach to dummyrollout via the dummyrollout.parameter = 42 method…
Thanks guys. (denis -wow) I had no idea it was such a complex issue. I might consider using msx approach.I thought dotnet made things simpler.
er…but how am I going to pass arguments from the CA to the createwindow function to the new dummy rollout window?
Ok thanks I will try that…
ok…that last comment is the most important…no dot net events registered inside ca? OK…well that saves me a lot of time trying to get it to work I gues…
Spline isn’t drawn in the window…here is the code… delete objects ctrlcentre = circle radius:5 morphs_used =#(“up”,”down”,”turnaround”) attStr = “” f…
Thnx. So a dot net controller would get around all the problems? Could it appear as part of CA modifier?