Sorry, was stupid.Didn’t read help properly.There’s really no problemat all ,I just got confused with referring to array with an ampersand,that’sall.T…
Thanks yes I tried this by creating new nodes array but it yielded undefined
Works perfectly. Thank you sir
See image below Thank your for your replies…what I need is pretty simple – The helper on the left is oriented in a certain way, but there is no real …
Thank you but it Doesn’t really help. Once I do shape.transform =helper.transform, and shape.dir = helper.dir, it just orients to the pivot in a defau…
Why not just hook up a slider to change the opacity values of the composite layers?
Paul – thnx for response. If you open the attached file, you see three objects – circle spline with cas on it, a bone and a free spline. Running this …
Thnx Denis, but I realize now what was happening. I have a button but it has a graphic given by bt.BackgroundImage = Bitmap.bmp (say); and I’ve been…
Thnx Denis. So what should the property setting be? Sorry to be so thick.
Thnx denis. So flatbuttons have their own tooltip event?