So the * compares the two arrays and finds the similarities? Thanks very much for the reply
Thanks Klunk you’re my hero! Ha. I can currently only get one side to unwrap at a time as i don’t fully understand the triangulation of the map faces…
Thanks for the breakdown. So after working on this all day I have finally understood what this is doing (I started maxscript a week and a half ago), …
Hey thanks for the responses, I’m looking at the code and I get that you’re changing the coordinates, but I’ve never really worked with meshes. I’ve …
Thanks for the response. But that seems a bit more complicated than I need. The frame is very simple at 13 polygons and all the values I need I can …
Since I still have no idea what the problem is, anyone have any ideas on how to more or less do what i was trying to do? Unwrap a few given polys tog…
No ideas? I still haven’t found any solution
correction I’m using: fn unwrapFrame = ( if (isValidNode picture_Frame) then ( select picture_Frame side1Faces = #{3,7,11} setCommandPa…
Figured this bit out