long story made short , I don’t think its possible its actually possible but it will not improve the workflow at all a tool like that has to be trigg…
TheForm = dotnetobject “maxCustomControls.MaxForm” –Creating the Font –make an object from the Font Class –give a fontfamily name and then put t…
after getting “setting modifier Array is not implemented yet ” error i decided to do the ghosting stuff :arteest: rollout replacer “::replacer::” (…
you just override the backcolorchanged event maxForm = dotNetObject “MaxCustomControls.MaxForm” Form.backcolor=(dotnetclass “System.Drawing.Color”)….
theForm = dotnetobject “System.Windows.Forms.Form” thetab = dotnetobject “System.Windows.Forms.TabControl” theAlignment = dotnetclass”System.Windows.F…
MerlinEl: Hi Cyfer It will be not a good idea to controll buttons columns and rows with trackbars. But for training was wery good! Thanks for this …
Spinner in Dotnet is a Trackbar and at least in c# you only need to set the orientation to vertical . In maxscrip You Must call the Orientation Class …
latest update Dialog Mode :argh:
last update on this ambitious project
hello Paul right now all i’m doing is a HashTable storing the name of the button(max command ex. extrude) and the corresponding command macro, its fa…
it is working here too ! the only difference is the file got bigger with the Debug code thanks biddle , now i Can Get Into Media Assemblies :applaus…
this is fairly old and bsaed on intersectray but i still use it for hard surfaces or precise palcement the ref obj must be an EditMesh you select th…