here it is try(destroyDialog test)Catch() ( global TestMapSamples local lights_state = #() local lights_array = #() local renderMateria…
unfortunately , i can’t find it now ! Bobo did a RenderMaterial Function long time ago , it was part of his old SME , search the forum for material sl…
teapot dir:[10,10,10] in Coordsys $teapot01(Converttopoly (S = Sphere radius:10 pos:[0,0,50] dir:$teapot01.dir)) in Coordsys $teapot01(for v = 1 to S….
here is something more to test select vertsubObject and execute the previous code . … nothing happens select the EdgeSubObject and select none and e…
yes , Commit (modPanel.getCurrentObject()).getNumEdges() (modPanel.getCurrentObject()).DivideEdge 5 0.5 (modpanel.getCurrentObject()).commit() (mo…
center the object pivots in x and y but leave the Z as it is ? thats what i understand from your post i thought you were looking for grouping the obj…
try (destroyDialog SpeedOnSpline)catch() rollout SpeedOnSpline “Speed on Spline” width:300 ( group “Speed Setup” …
make a teapot add a xform modifier and collapse you’ll get a mesh ! that’s exactly what you do in your script if you need every thing to be editablePo…
rollout ResetXPivotnCollapse “ResetXPivotnCollapse” width:162 height:57 ( groupBox grp1 “Reset X-Form” pos:[4,7] width:154 height:46 button Reset_XF…
By name : create your points in the order you wish to connect them with and give them progressive names ex. point01 , point02 and so on you can then …
open the maxscript ref , change to index tab … type windows the third result is windows structure basically , max can send messages to windows Os win…
try workBenchHwnd = windows.getChildHwnd 0 “animation workbench” if workBenchHwnd != undefined do Windows.SendMessage workBenchHwnd[1] 0x0010 0 0
Can you put some code please ? create some spheres and a teapot group $Sphere* name:”Sph” SetGroupMember $Teapot01 true append $Sph.children $Teap…
the edit means … it looks like a hack if you reset max while pflow sets in a viewport there is no editing for that code description , it is still bril…