hmm I did some thinking and this seems more complicated then it needs to be. I think the file name needs to be filtered 5+ times? For files named like…
yea, can’t think on 3 hours of sleep lol. Sorry ok so I had a chance to experiment with your code. There are a few things. First look at the picture …
Thanks everyone for taking the time to write the code ZeBoxx2 i’m not sure if I understand this part of the first block of code. getFilesequenceFi…
The position of the bitmap using SetDialogBitmap. I have a toolbar in the window. It looks a bit weird having different colours undeneith the buttons.
Thanks TZMtn. Thats is a good work around. Too bad you can’t change the position. Oh well. I could try using a normal bitmap to.
ok what do you guys think of this? I used a timer but it it introduces a slight lag. The larger the timer interval the less lag but then the user coul…
Yea I thought so I’m about ready to release my modified script but I hopefully have one last question. This should be very straightforward to do but…
ZeBoxx2: well I meant for the standard maxscript dialog “on mousemove <pos> do ( <code> )” event – not the dotNET events yea on mous…
Yea. I thought of that but I decided not to use imgtags. I would rather the image just be displayed the way it is and the mousemove thing won’t work e…
Thanks. I can’t believe I didn’t see the imgtag… I have a few questions. Are imgtags displayed the same way as the standard bitmap element? I want …
they may not have borders but they look like they are pushed into the screen to give it a 3d look. I would like to remove that.
The script you posted won’t work in max9 I get this error “– Type error: Call needs function or class, got: undeefined” and it ponts to this line. “p…