yes you can do it starting max from command line with something like 3dsmax -U MAXScript … i don’t have the reference here right now so i can’t tell…
if you want to keep saving things to a file but you want it automated you can use presave/postload callbacks to get your data saved/loaded every time …
reading again my post i think it is not very clear what i wanted to say. Even though i’m proposing to use global variables, using a struct to hold all…
Something you can do is to have all your “shared” parameters into a instance of a struct held in a global variable, this way you can use them from whe…
I think it returns an error if you don’t have a target. also try using the index of the subanim (in this case the channel) to acces it. Something like…
I use crimson. In this page you can find an extension to be able to execute the script straight from crimson. This is good because it saves your file…
LOL!! it seems so obvious… i was thinking why on earth they choose mouseabout for the right button… anyway in my deffense i can say that i took it fro…
I think this way works, although #mouseAbout doesn’t seem to work… (press ESC to exit tracking) fn MyCallbackFn msg ir obj faceNum shift ctrl alt …
Try setting the value to the controller. Like this: on ruotay changed rotazione do ($.rotation.y_rotation.controller.value = rotazione) I think this…
I think, the result you are getting is the multiplication of the two rotations. If you want to have your selected object with a given rotation you hav…
Maybe this function can help you: fn diffArray a b = ( retArray = #() for element in a do ( idx = finditem b element if idx == 0 then append retArray…
this should work: maxops.clonenodes $ offset:[0,50,0] expandHierarchy:true clonetype:#copy newnodes:&newObjArray newObjArray[1].name = “M_house27…
maybe you can use the ‘this’ variable. copy/paste from max8 help: [color=white]‘This’ Local Variable in Scripted Controllers[/color] [left]The th…
As you can see in the reference “finditem does a MAXScript ‘==’ comparison between elements in the array and the target object” and you can’t compare…
This is ok but you loose the “_”, you can keep it by doing it this way: a = “M_house10_Standard” tmpArray = filterstring a “” newName = “” for i=1 to…