I started a script that does that some time ago, i never finished it though so it has a pretty specific usage and no fancy gui, but you could try if i…
the build in internet connection stuff is more for distributed rendering i guess, but it might be used for xml sockets too. Alternatively, you could u…
Maybe you can do this with a particle system, since that has the option for camera facing built in and it can have all particles in the system as one …
it should work… not sure if it works with standard windows shortcuts, but there’s also a right click menu in the stack. maybe you need to copy one mod…
i have been thinking of it too. i can script a bit but never did anything with meshes yet.
like when you have the snap tool on. The easiest way would be to modify the enpoint snap, but if i can code the snap and user feedback manually that w…
anyone? i’ve found that through the viewport you can get a 3D location of a screen point and what not, but nothing to directly acces and modify the e…
Hmm I overlooked that you said Macorscripts. since that is a subdirectory of the UI folder i don’t think you can move it. why would you want to ?
customise/configure paths ?
heh, looks like there is some renewed interest in this script eh. This was pretty much my first steps in maxscripting, as experiment and something i n…
thanks ! It’s my first effort at scripting something useful.