I’ll study what you posted today and will reply once I make something out of it for me.
global theString=”” tt = dotnetobject “System.Windows.Forms.Timer” tt.Interval = 1000 Fn BackgroundTcpListenerDoWork s e = ( IPAddress = DotNetClas…
global theString=”” Fn BackgroundTcpListenerDoWork theSender theEvent = ( IPAddress = DotNetClass “System.Net.IPAddress” theIPAddress = IPAddress.Par…
Actually we’ve built a program for Maya few years back and still using it in our production env. This program automates most of the tasks and generate…
Didn’t even thought about this. Excellent.
Just to extend this, if you want to set yor scene renderer to mental ray use this. renderSceneDialog.cancel() screnderers = RendererClass.classes for…
Correct, the exit has to be removed. Also, if there are multiple meshsmooth modifiers applied to any obj then the code will work on first(top) one. P…
I have attached the source files in my 4th post (exe, exe source, ms) It runs on same machine and it just sends MXS commands to 3dsmax. When I can …
What do you suggest, I should use timer or background worker. Besides, socket, is there any other way of sending MXS externally.
As denis said and as I think that the real problem is the creation of UI in right thread. denis code tt = dotnetobject “System.Windows.Forms.Timer”…
This kind of freezing is different from what I am talking about. Here you have to restart 3dsmax, but in my case, I can send the destroydialog comman…
IPAddress = DotNetClass “System.Net.IPAddress” theIPAddress = IPAddress.Parse “” theTcpListener = DotNetObject “System.Net.Sockets.TcpListene…
Wheiraucher: Maybe you could try to use a timer object instead of a backgroundworker+while loop. Gave a try with Timer also, max ui stilll freeze…
Wheiraucher: If max freezes there’s also the windows.processpostedmessages() command which will breathe back life into max. windows.processposted…
So, what do you suggest, how do I go about creating dialogs. One more issue is that if I open any native 3dsmax dialog like “max vptconfig” and try t…