Sorry for the delay in responding, thanks for the help! Col
I would have thought you would sort of think of it as: ‘If 2 selected faces share the same edge then deselect one face” I am unsure if this can be d…
ok I have added another for loop: nodeArrTemp = #() nodeArr = #() noDummyArr = #() — Get all nodes with a texture applied (no problems with what kin…
It WORKS!! when i removed the dummy’s from the scene (or removed the material assigned to the dummies was in this case easier to remove the dummy’s) i…
Nope didnt work because some dummys have a material applied which is annoying, I only need the script to work on geometry. i tried the following with…
I will do a test for you in a couple of minutes, currently rendering odd how we both sent a message near enoguh same time i added my previous comment…
Hi Thanks for both your replies – I am currently tangled up with something else, I havnt forgot what you both have provided me just cant learn from i…
Ok here is one for the standard Material. The objects that have a material appleid (which contains ‘ANY’ bitmap texture in its map slots will be added…
Hi @JHN I tried your script and I understand enough of your scripts and I tried it with geometry that have a uvw map mod applied and one without (th…
Ok thanks Neil, looking at this too. Will report back my progress. Cheers guys. Alan
Ok i think i get what your doing, and it through testign it works, but the issue is their are materials that dont have a bitmap applied, and some that…
Hi Denis, Thanks again for your assistance, I did a similar approach but never put cameras in an array. I tried various combinations with (which i di…