Well it does, I did the sequence several times on different imports and it always worked. The “re-weld” doesn’t weld points that aren’t physically at …
Ok sorry, the sample file isn’t representative. Each object is watertight, made of 1 element. I cant parse elements to detach them. I’ve reuploaded th…
Yeah,this what i do, considering there’s an unwrap on the object obj = selection[1] myUV = obj.modifiers[1] myUV.unwrap6.selectVerticesByNode #{1…..
Ok. I took a small part ot the mesh and duplicated to match the 100k You can see that this duplicated part has only one uv element which is a total n…
Hi Andreas ! This looks very cool. I’ve opened a thread on Polycount forums. There’s a bunch of whining UI perfectionnists there i’ve good hope you’…
Yeah you don’t know which state is the angle snap with max angle snap toggle In my case, it’s the unwrap_uvw.rotateSelectedCenter command which uses …
mmh nope. It works only for Snaps Toggle button and not for the Angle Snap Toggle. I guess people have to be careful and uncheck the angle snap before…
Oh man, that was so simple, I’m just confused. Just parsing the materials and test which handle the good diffuseMap. Well I’m a pathetic scripter Tha…
well, no, it’s the opposite. I’m not suppose to know that my material is in the first slot of the multi. I just have a texture node, I want to find t…
Ok, I’ve found maxscript from blurstudios which works pretty well.