Thanks for your response I am using multi material but each object part of a character has its own material slot and I want to combine textures if the…
Thanks again i got it working for j = 1 to Face_array.count do meshop.setMapFace msh 1 j [3j-2, 3j-1, 3*j]
Thanks so much can you tell me what i am doing wrong here or how to implement the 1st method you mentioned i am sure once i understand that i can add …
What I think needs to happen is i create the vertex points and the un uv mapped textures. then i need to read each face in order starting at one and s…
its out of stock
I figured it out i just had my multiplication wrong.
I guess what i need to do is get the transformation values of the bones parent till i reach the root node somehow. like if i had a bone chain parente…