Thanks all for your help. This is exactly what i was looking for. There are many ways to do one thing as shown here and they are all great.
Yes i read his tutorial and I Found one other tutorial the farthest i got was getting the listener to print the main child nodes. If i see an example …
Ah this is a much more compact version can someone help implementing this?
I found this online ma bee this is possible to convert to native max script i will give it a try if anyone has any suggestions they are welcome con…
ok this first line works dotnet.loadassembly @”C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\microsoft shared\XNA\DeployableRuntimes\Zune\3.1.10527.100\Microso…
Thanks for your replies biddle when i run assm = dotnet.loadassembly “Microsoft.Xna.Framework.dll” i get this error Runtime error: dotNet runtime e…
Well I found a way to hack around this i am not sure if this is the correct way but for each object i just detach the faces as new objects then delet…
Thanks for all your time. I get no errors now but when i try to do something like this test = 1.0 dotnet.ValueToDotNetObject test (dotnetclass “Syste…
single = dotnet.ValueToDotNetObject 1.0 (dotnetclass “System.Single”) – it’s .net object now and you can pass to other .net method uint = single.ToUIn…
I think its using this class but i cant figure out what i am doing wrong to get it working. Convert = dotnet.ValueToDotNetObject 1.0f (dotnetclass “S…
Yes that is what i want to do is convert a float i read in max. Then using .net inside max convert it to 1/2 precision floating point that is usable i…