Thanks magicm and (again ) Cthulhu for the fast answers and help! This helps a lot!!! :applause: Chris
Thanks Cthulhu! :bowdown: … and by the way: Gothic2 rules :buttrock: Chris
Originally posted by fist [B]if you don’t even have an idea what kind of short you want to make how can you expect us to come up with ideas for a max…
ok… right now I’m working as an artist for Kritzelkratz3000 a german game-developing studio. I work as an 2D and 3D-Artist and studied computer-scienc…
Thanks for all the helpful tips. Thats great stuff to look at and get more information. Another question: Can you tell me if there are good books abo…
Thanks for the fast help! You wrote blur has some scripts which are a good starting point. So it is possible to take it to the max and get such thin…