i’m afraid it’s difficult to do with besearch , the function just search the first element matched If i need to do this , I will use regular expressio…
it’s a reference not a solution , you’r an excellent developer,why always poor performance if you need need need to pin to the circle , use oObj.tr…
He means you need transform the world space transforms to UVW Map’s space transforms , other object space modifiers are same . you should use matrix m…
local treePos = (intersectRay surf treeRay) this is ray , not a point3 , like before , use ray.pos
JackHumpyy: theNewTree.pos = [(random -200 200), (random -200 200), 1000] pos in 1st different from 2cd 1st treePos = (intersectRay surf treeRa…
JackHumpyy: local treePos = (intersectRay surf treeRay).pos, where is ‘treeRay’
note the space in the script length:BoxLength.value-47 == length:(BoxLength.value – 47) != length:BoxLength.value – 47 length:BoxLength.value-47 …
your code pattern may be wrong , you can compare with existing mcr if you really can’t fix it , use AEI ToolBar may be better
why you put it in a temp path? all icons load in UI_ln folder
when mouse on the button , a title appear, that’s tooltip icon#(<string>, <index>) ,this is an array , 1 element is the path of the bmp…
you need use mcr to definite it macroScript <name> [category:<string>] [buttonText:<string>] [toolTip:<string>] [icon:#(&…
every column of DataGridView can be a type of control , if you want add anything in any cell , you need use panel to design your list
listview is a control for text , you can use DataGridView to add controls
you need add dock code cui.DockDialogBar <RolloutFloater_or_Rollout> <dockflag> and you need know , if you dock it where already docked …
no need to create a name , unless you need calculate strings as name mostly , name can be replace as string or class , you can understand it as an…