if you are new with mxs , may difficult to do you can find from help web by click help menu you may to search keyword , material / CompositeTextureMap…
of course , you can get the map from composite , then set it to diffuse , save and open next file mxs provide all api for this
if you defined the render function by yourself , you can control everything i wrote a channel render script , change materials between frames, every f…
It’s number in mxs , for float value , only 6-digit exact value
if maxOps.CloneNodes is necessary , try reduce times of Clone , such as start = timeStamp() with redraw off ( k = (Rectangle length:50 width:50) se…
use script below in SelectionChanged event ssel=test_dgv.SelectedCells for i = 0 to ssel.count – 1 do ssel.item[i].Style.SelectionForeColor = ssel.i…
display (getLastRenderedImage())
I don’t think they are same 2 mesh attach reset 2nd mesh normal to face normal others nothing changed all render are right with final state
em = Editable_Mesh() obj = $Plane_001 newmesh = em + obj
2 mesh object with Addition syntax or use polygon to attach
with mesh + mesh or poly , no normal lose
You need find the object by path , example: the out grid is show_dll.Content if the progress bar is the first object of out grid , use show_dll…Co…
restart max , all MacroScripts without file will disappear
close max Edit file such as C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsMax\2017 – 64bit\ENU\en-US\UI\Workspaces\usersave\Workspace1__usersave__….
That’s impossible what needed to add a subrollout is the name of the rollout and it is impossible I had wrote a script beside scripts , like a toolbar…