because of mxs and sdk can Interoperate with each other , i think no need to absolutely distinguish between the two , it’s ok if it conveniently solve…
num=”80″ HWND=134610P windows.SendMessage HWND 0x0C 0 ((dotnetclass “System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal”).UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement (dotnet.V…
utility is a script ,not a tool , it will appear in maxscript tool’s UI 2020-01-21_19-37-30.jpg200x615 32.9 KB
I see , may our cognition different i think jen84’s need is an embedded rollout like first image shows , is it may achieve by mxs ? i tried but got i…
I’m not think mxs allow add a subrollout to another subrollout script language is a software based language , such as mel/action script, programmi…
no one let you to learn dotnet , you should learn how to use it in mxs , there are lots of dotnet class for mxs to use , with them you can do w…
just learn how to use dotnet , what you want will be done with an embedded panel control , in VS , you can use dock window
you can find same examples in maxscript manual if no need to dock as toolbar , you can write a form in VS , and generate a dll file for mxs to show
that’s impossible , and the idea for a plugin is a little stupid if you insist on that , you can use dotnet to do
just a redraw issue
definition fn createdotnetimage = ( source = ” using System.Drawing; public class getopimage { static void Main() { } …
i will write a mxs script for it , post here when finished
you can use the c# script in mxs ,and chang r/g/b to 255 or others
you need create a new bitmap with C#, such as Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(img); Bitmap abmp = new Bitmap(aimg); for (int i = 0; i < b…
search ‘External File Methods’ it’s file and folder methods