AlexMateo: this is i try it but i have some errors objetos = getmaxfileobjectnames “c:\project\ep002_background_02.max” Objsiwant = for o in objN…
Tricks?! Gimme!! I wonder if its possible to do with … nevermind, What tricks?
Trying to do something in real-time, switching modifiers slows it down and also doesnt allow contuing of adjusting the old selected modifier slider wi…
Thanks again Denis
So I could write a function with the sdk for maxscript to use to select verts on an edit poly modifier without having that modifier selected?
I assuming this is true, but is it possible to write a modifier that will allow us to select subobjects selections such as verts, edges, faces, ect… w…
Ok nevermind I just ended up trying something I didnt think would work and it worked, remove the callback within the callbacks funtion and recreated i…
How about doing this, referenceReplace <dest_node> <src_node> where <dest_node> is each modifier as a blank modifier and <src_n…
mmm there must be a way to copy the modifiers through maxsdk / .net / c++
In the MaxSDK there’s <FILE: channel.h> I’m wondering how do we access for instance the topology and geometry channels from it via maxscript. C…
Ah ok Thanks PEN, could you maybe post the script your using to do that?
Thanks, but same result. Maybe its just not possible?