got it to work thanks!
<Skin>.paintBlendMode BooleanClass default:false
Ah thanks, exactly what I wanted, but one thing, is it possible to make it into a image button instead of text?
Found a solution, not sure if its the best, or cleanest but here it is. try (destroydialog exdialog) catch () global exdialog rollout exdialog “” ( …
I would have to make a new object type I guess? Also how would the speed be compared to the gw.hMarker? Using this as a preview of one objects selec…
Just found viewport.getTM() in the maxscript help, so I guess using the inverse of that for the rotation would make it always face the camera. But I’…
Ah can’t believe I overlooked the point helper… How can i get it to always be facing the camera though, I figure a lookat constraint, but what can I u…
Also not sure what this was meant to do, all this gw is new to me, but it didnt stop the markers from drawing on top of everything.
Ok I tried what Denis mentioned, but I’m having an issue. I made a standard dummy box, and gave it a custom param, and gave that a controller point3 …
Fairly important, but I’m willing to find out anything even if its not.