Ah… I don’t know if it is exactly what has been posted here, but I’ve been fiddling and haven’t managed to do what I wanted… The idea is that I have …
Ahh, great! Thanks a lot, Bobo! =)
Well… sure… I think Bobo’s solution is more intuitive… But I’d appreciate you sending your solution, maybe it’s more efficient… If you want the one I …
Thanks for your reply, Bobo… But I had already finished the script yesterday, just didn’t have time to advise… I used some of that code… As I said, …
Ah, about the two-stage test… That is a great idea… I’m gonna try it out, but I’m still a beginner programmer and even more beginner MaxScripter…
Thanks for your reply, Bobo. I already am going through every vertex of every object in selection for other reasons, so the complexity won’t change i…
Thanks a lot… Now, another question… Can I use functions in this script? If so, how? Because I want to change the “.” to a “,” or to a ” ” (space). I…
Ok, thanks for that… This findItem method is the most efficient algorythm? Thanks!
Well, if it may help, I found out how to rotate, in my case by the absolute value: rotAtual = ($.rotation as eulerAngles).y –Will return the Y ax…
Great, thanks a lot! =)
Alright… It was sort of what I was thinking… But not with these exact values, but I’ll try that =) Thanks!