Nevermind, I figured out how to do it… If anyone else has the same doubt, I used registerTimeCallback, which calls the registered function whenever t…
That didn’t work… The camera must maintain the fov, so it doesn’t have the same behavior as an object (ie: I tried with your viewFrustum script instan…
Well… I was testing for example with a box. I had already tried what you said a few posts above. I made a 20x20x20 box and skewed it by 10. It did exa…
Martin, I’m trying to develop a camera setup for a multi-projection system which needs a asymmetrical frusta… Since I haven’t figured out a way of us…
Eh… Just realized: not possible… Due to Max’s wierd Matrix3 (4×3) and the lack of a Matrix4 to set the Projection Matrix it seems the only way is via …
I was trying to figure it out here, but by what I figured the camera’s node transform is the ModelView matrix, not the Projection… I’m trying to find …
Great! Thanks a lot, once again, Bobo. You’re awesome I had been using Skew, but I didn’t know about XForm…
I’ve tried that, but I’ve based the script on the vertex renderer (“how to…”), and it updates the image whenever the viewports are redrawn. So if I di…
Okay… OSGExp is a plugin for exporting files to .IVE files, which is the OpenSceneGraph file. All I want to do is call OSGExp’s exporter, so I can ex…
I apply the modifier to one main camera, which is the scene’s camera… Because it is easier to animate using a main “mono” camera. Then, upon which the…
Have you ever heard of the plugin XIDMary ? I have developed a Stereo Camera which makes XIDMary unnecessary, as well fixed certain issues which were…