Already exist, Solid Chanfer from Meshtools, but in max 8 don’t work
Hello Bobo, greate Bobo ehh… The answer is simple. I often use the train and i don’t have any notebook ( I waited for the dualcore notebook ). For thi…
Greate, i use a lot some your Script, very usefull,
Thank’s Nail, very thank’s for your sefull script. I like putPivot. Bye from Italy
Hey, thank’s! But i have some error scrit when i resize the pannel. 3ds max 7.5. PS: I use a lot your Select by name v2.
Ohhh…Thank’s from Italy!!! And if you want see my little Italian CG Comunity
Very thank’s , but i try to use it but the “Cycle Transform coordinate system” dont work very well:cry: . The “Cycle Transform reference system” is OK…
Another question. for switch to 2, 2.5 and 3D snap toggle. How can create a short cut? Thank’s
Many Thanks for the information, Bobo! cecofuli