Hello to everyone who’s been following my posts here, specially JHN and Bobo. After all my questions, I have finally completed the first stage of wha…
Hello again, Well, actually no. Suppose we have a function myFunction that gets one input parameter Nn, and returns a point3 color. The calculation…
Okay. I am very confused. Honestly I have been working with MAXScript for a couple of weeks, and I have never worked with a similar tool ever before…
Thank you for your answer, JHN. I didn’t try the code because I don’t have 3DS 2008. But I found out how to fix what I was trying to do. I have ano…
Okay, I think that assigning vertex colors by hand means to apply the VertexPaint modifier, am I right? By doing this, I can execute the Bobo-functio…
I can’t find out how to assign by hand. I tried using setNumCPVVerts $ (getNumVerts $) true and I still get the same error after I execute the functi…
Hello, Thank you very much for this post. This code really helps me. However, I’d like to ask about the vchannel variable. I saw in the manual, an…
Ok… I would like to ask for something more specific this time: I need a script that applies a material to an object but with different propperty valu…
Hello again, First let me verify I’ve got the concepts right. When I say Material/Texture merging, I mean merging as in mixing, fusing, joining, etc…
Thank you very much Eric. A appreciate your help. I’ll be working on that. Later!
Thanks again Eric. This may sound like “can I create a box using MAXScript?”, but here it goes: Supposing I have a bitmap file and an object, is it …
Thank you PiXeL_MoNKeY Well, by Mapping Techniques I mean something like UVW unwrapping/mapping, yes. Maybe I did not use the correct word. I mean …