i found the size issue you told me about. i have to dig in a fix this issue. seem i’m getting some bad calibration issues when i work with larger fram…
hey brad what ress are you working at?? i might be able to put in a timer or somthing to check for viewport changes (trackview, and expoert mode). the…
–updated – hey Chinwagon, after a bit of RnD i came up with a new version of the script that doesn’t use the slider, and i wrotte my own custom one. i…
i totaly agree with Chinwagon, there are a couple of limitation to the slider. sence it is a slider controll it’s almost imposible to fix the skip to …
ja ja ja ja awsome. well thats the way it goes right, you get an idea put it down in 5 minutes, and then you spend a few days getting it to work prope…
some thing tells me your not using max 7, and the attribute holder script is not isntalled(this version before 7 you had to install it your self). i r…
i can understand that but there is a simple fix for that problem. that problem is cused becuse the range of wire reactor script expresion and may be a…
ok came up with this one. it’s a little bit more like a sim sence it caches the the distanced travealed and builds from there on. the issue with this …
there was a problem here with the aceleration you are right… i did a simple scene to test it, and it seems to only work with a initial speed, and not …
you could do it with a scripted controller. i would do something like you could point the varibles to spinners this way you can controll the hole thin…
well i like the challange so i’ll keep an eye out, and try to jump in the next one. cheers, Los.
hey just saw this? is this still going on?? cheers, Los.
Nice!!! it think this will do it! thanks alot. cheers, Los.