If you really want to get into this, there’s a great book i picked up. called “essential mathematics for games & interactive applications”. it ha…
yeah i thought something like this would work as well. but this dosn’t seem to work all that well. it seems to be that garbage collection dosn’t clea…
you might want to look at autoit too. autoit is a very basic scripting lenguage but it has alot more functions built in than dos, the lenguage is alot…
you can probably use php or something to create some sort of procedual script. i’ve been using php for alot of the windows pipeline stuff. has alot of…
try it like this for i in selection do ( max file export i ) little typo. cheers, Los.
you could run a rayIntersect function shooting rays form different pixel in the screen. avery time they hit an object you could record it. you might a…
sidertime = the frame you want to be at current time is a read only varible and it canot be set.
sorry dude, just noticed that wouldn’t fix your saving render time concern. i get exited sometimes
will you have to do any post prosseing to the renderer frames? like glows or effects?? or comp background and foreground elements? just think it wou…
sometimes if the editble pannel is not your current pannel, some modifier command won’t work. try adding one of this at the begining of your script …
i personaly also like the filterString command if you say somethin like filterString “xInfo,yInfo,zInfo” “,” it will re turn #(“xInfo”,“yInfo”,“zInfo”…
you can also hack your own callbacks (if max dosn’t provided them) by using the “Timer” item in a rollout outside the screen space. to many timers can…
one way to craete your own call backs is to use a timer in a rollout. the rollout could be outside of the monitors ress so it’s not visible to the use…
cool man, the slider getting cut off, and the calibration seems to be right on point. i tried it with ranges going from 3 frames to 500 frames. and it…