The button is in a form in a dll so im doing dotnet.loadAssembly ddlPath dn_UI = dotNetObject “blahDeBlah.BlahDe” dn_UI .show() dotNet.addEventHandle…
ok, i appreciate the help but im going to ask for a little more The “this” keyword has helped with a couple of issues i was getting so thanks again f…
Wow I did not know that max had the concept of “this” To fill in a little more I found a couple of reasons why I was getting unpredictable results, f…
@sinokgr, yep that is very close to what i ended up with @AlexanderH, the close_enough is a bit odd as uit takes an Int for the tolerance/threshold, i…
Hi Thanks for your reply but I already knew about the remove isolated verts function, the issue was with why max would return them differently or have…
thanks i shall start reading
oh no! i cant believe i overlooked that Thanks Dave
unless i select each object separately and store the faces which is super slow
If you haven’t got time to or just don’t want to write something specific for your needs, I tried out this atlas script and it was good, nothing to do…
i appreciate you time and posts so thanks, i shall have another go at this in the rollout i had. It clearly is possible with the Max rollout, dunno w…
agreed but running your code didn’t work for me, unless i missed something that i was supposed to do, also enter or space keys didnt respond either. …