ajohnson: This is admittedly a bit of a product plug, but it seemed very relevant, so I hope no one minds… 😉 Its not like you’re the first…
For those that care, this part of the painter interface is apparently not 100% connected properly, the node portion is not functional. Bug submitted
Thanks Georg. Bug posted.
Check out the sticky at the top of the thread list.
This doesn’t seem so new, maybe a new rewrite of the one written by Adam Wierzchowski in 2002. [i] “This script simulates a toy called Pinscreen. FYI …
I’m sure I could update that script to use the source file name as the object names as an option.
If your goal is to copy something and name it, a simpler option is available. copy $ name:”M_house27_01″ You can replace “copy” with “instance” and …
Yes, there is a way to do it, but it would take some time to process the data. The time would depend on: [ul] [li]the camera render resolution [/l…
DerPapa: blue, this is what zbuffer is talking about: solid chamfer is crucial when defining edges! and I need it too for max8! It would be great …
Is the effect you are looking for like doing a poly extrude edge, with a 0 (zero) height? Could you share a pic of the desired result.
Fairly sure its always been in. And you are dead on, this is what is needed.
In the MAXScript Reference look up the exportFile comand. exportFile “fileName.obj” #noPrompt This will export the scene out to a file named fileN…
Laserschwert: I was just curious about whether this would be possible through MAXscript at all. Yes it would be possible. Fully automated, defina…