If during the preRender or postRender stages you see viewport updates you could start with disabling the viewports, [b]disableSceneRedraw/b , do the s…
Timer worked well enough, it has a bit of lag but atleast it doesn’t require another mouse click. Unregistering the callback, executing the selection…
Thanks Bobo, I’ve actually writen the main script to only fire off the first time the view becomes active not everytime it redraws so I’m really catc…
Also noticed that your script made the rectangle float from the first corner while defining the second point. So I made an edit that remedied that. p…
Stunning tool, and inspiring. This is thinking out of the box.
This looks to be an internet explorer issue, basically this script opens the excel page in an internet explorer activex control. When I ran this sampl…
This should help you get going ( HD_temp = “[1] C: [2] Local Fixed Disk [3] DRIVE_C [4] [Used: 75682111488] [Free: 61745831936] [Total: 137427943424…
Have you tried batch opening and resaving the new files? that should reset the thumbnail to reflect what the contents are.
Thanks Jonathan, this works wonderfully. Also thanks for the source, one day it may stick and I’ll find myself being able to exspose these kinds of th…
Thanks PEN, I’ve read the help. Help also says that you can not assign a spine to a bevel profile mod, but I have a way around that. Just wondering i…
Have you tried the following? for each point in the pointCloud ( find the 2 closest pointCloudPoints make a triangle from those 3 points ) finish wit…
Callbacks are a simple thing Try the attached script to see if it does what you want. USAGE: Select some objects, push the unselectable button, the…
The selectable tag was one that assigned to the user properties. Sry this is not a max object properties.