hey man sorry to break this to you but. sripting reactions for one reaction is fine. but autodesk isnt going to fix this anytime soon. you dont have a…
well it seems that theres not much i can do to get this to work there are afew bugs in the reaction manager and also there is no way of access or crea…
hay man thanks for that makes scence now. got it working perfectly. its easy to work out new ways to use this within a script now i have a good exampl…
thanks man a great help it makes perfects scence why its not working now. just one question though. when you all the ID :#eyeInTheSky is that a call f…
Hi martin, I am not really using it on a mesh but a Cgmuscle Object but i wanted to get it to work on a poly mesh first. the main reason for doing th…
thanks magicm yeah thats what i ended up doing it all works now here is the final working script if your interested –john Van Der Zalm 2007 –emai…
Hi bobo, yeah i tryed the name option during creation and it dosent work. eg actCreateMuscle 5 6 name:“mynewMuscle” but the example you gave this t…
cool that worked. my script works fine now i need to finish some error checking but its a script that creates ACT cgMuscles from a poly object. that …
thanks bobo ok here my next problem i’m trying to isolate the edge next to edge #{1} but i cant seem to get it. in a cylinder the egde at 90degs is n…
thanks bobo much apreciated. that makes scence i needed it to call the function within the for loop. and make sure my perenthasis where in the right …