You don’t need to use the MaxCustomControl.Win32API (UIntPtr conversions blech!) , and you can avoid calling a C# snippet if you marshal the string bu…
Perhaps something like: fn YourValidateFunction bmap = ( format “Validating % ” bmap true ) fn ValidateMaterial mat = ( if (classof mat == mult…
From the python docs you point to it looks like the “%d” is actually a double precision value (8 bytes). If you really do need to write doubles out y…
I think I see what you mean. See if this will do the trick for you: Rather than worrying about projecting into screen space it is enough to collect t…
It may not be you. Historically, the D3D driver has done a poor job of rendering gw text calls. For example, the following works just fine for me in …
It’s in the 2011 SDK, but not in the 2009 SDK (I don’t have 2010 installed) I guess I don’t feel too bad about not noticing it earlier In 2011 you …
Great find. I looked it up in the SDK –it’s in the mxsagni\windows.cpp sample code.
It would be helpful if someone posted a bare bones repro of their script and how they trigger it. Are you triggering the long calculation from a (moda…
You are set up to compile for .NET 4.0 which isn’t supported in 3dsmax 2011 out of the box. If you don’t need the latest framework then go back and s…
Perhaps you can hook the “CollectionChanged” event of the toolbar’s Item collection and save off the state to the ini file when it changes? fn Proper…
listener: Just a quick question its a bit off topic where do you find Autodesk.Windows etc… Assembly i dont see it in the SDK It isn’t document…
Don’t create a new toolbar, use the component manager singleton to fetch the existing one: qatbar = (dotnetclass “Autodesk.Windows.ComponentManager”)…
Here is a DOS batch file that will dump out the install directories for different versions of Max on your system. You can use it to locate files with…
I’ve had some success using the DialogMonitorOPS to manipulate the viewport configuration and modify the statistics I prefer to display. A similar te…
Use ‘format’ to display an empty string as the last command in the block. All you should see when you execute it directly is the ‘OK’ ( — your s…