Here’s what I finally came up with… ( ca = attributes predecessor ( parameters main rollout:params ( pred type:#node clutch type:#integer ui:bt…
Hey, PEN, thanks for the response. I seem to vaguely in control of this puppy for the moment.
I think that sorted it out. Thanks, Dan.
Say, Dan, I tried your code but I’m not having any luck with it… ( ca = attributes New ( parameters main rollout:params (clutch type:#boolean ui:btn_…
@dmak – Whoa! Thank you so much, man! @moondoggie – I can easily imagine he took one look at my posted code and walked away, shaking his head.
Sweet! Thanks, Johan.
Thank you, Dan. I had been headed toward the same line of thinking. If you don’t mind sharing how you coded the watcher I’d really appreciate it. Here…
Our posts must’ve crossed. What I’m trying to achieve is an animatable on/off switch for the paramWire. After you’ve created the boxes, select one a…
I’d sure appreciate you’re looking at it, Shane. As I said, in the second version everything seems to work except that the paramWire’s not keyable… e…
There’s something oddly liberating about being in the dark. I seem to be making some progress, but in which direction I’m not sure… ( local obj, obj1…
Well, I do believe I’ve found the solution to this, though I’m frankly less than happy with it. Here’s a quick vid… solution to rollout connect2Way. B…
Here’s another piece of the puzzle (see image). When wired manually, in the Listener or by direct eval of a script (or from a rollout in Max8) the flo…
As I may have mentioned, the code posted at the top of this thread is animatable in Max8 but not Max9 or Max2008. On a hunch, I just made a working an…
Just tried every variation I could think of. Didn’t matter if the objects were created manually, in the Listener or in a rollout. Different ways of im…