If it helps to explain it, I know that XSI can do this and it’s called merge, it works similar to bridge in Max but it can be animated…
Thanks for the feedback guys! Wahoo…Wahooney…wow sweet…I never thought to do it that way, i did use the edit poly but i thought you had to commit the …
yeah I checked out grow…it’s a very cool…not exactly what i had in mind, but still very cool…
here are some simple examples animations…
Ok so maybe it was a bit confusing the way I described it above, but I mocked an image up that may help illustrate it better. Can it be done? I reall…
Thanks guys, I am inspired to give it a whirl…and I have to say it’s not all that bad, I was going through the basics in the reference, and the just o…
thanks for the imput guys…I am not so great with complex math so I guess i may have a downfall there, but I am still gonna try and learn what I can…an…