Yeah there are some problems with RGB><RGBA conversion checks. I’ll fix it for next version. This bug should only occur with A&D mat since i…
– SME Beta Version 0.1.5b – Download: Release info: – Backwiring with original value – Improved look with new Helium 1.06 features – Focused node…
stevecullum, make sure you have the latest Helium 1.03 and the correct version. If I remember correctly you have to manually copy the correct DLX/C fi…
– SME Beta Version 0.1.4 – Download: Release info: Arrange now only affects children (nodes connected to input sockets), previously it searched fo…
I too was dissapointed by the lack of tutorials and help for max sdk. The widget tutorial probably helped me the most, although its really simple it g…
And how exactly would I set this? I’ve tried to compare geosphere source code to mine and I haven’t found any differences in how I use the paramblock….
I think this is a serious problem if not bug in max. You simply can’t get the REAL value of the controller if you’ve assigned it to some property whic…
There will be a big update on how SME handdles controllers in a week or two…
Like dgsantana said and did show in his first screenshot it is possible. The problem is that you’ll get a long unorganized list of parameters. In orde…
Firstly thx for all the feedback! Pixero, Max does indeed work in a different way but I think the end result is very similar. Max just handles this s…
Unfortunately its not coming because there is no way of telling when you change anything in material editor. The only way of seeing when material/map …
Pixero, SME uses Bezier_Color controllers by default and Bezier_RGBA if A&D material already has one assigned and you cannot assign sub controller…
Actually I’m still having some weird problems with this. If I open the material browser from Medit, the changes I make with mtlBrowser.browseFrom are …