Hi EverZen ! Like Galagast said, i use a code available in the maxscript reference in EnumerateFiles. It take all map even map in material not applie…
Hello guys galagast: I try your line of code it works perfectly. I don’t think to use superclassof. Thanks a lot for your help soulburn3d: Yes i t…
Hello galagast. I searched for the map in environnement map but nothing. For the hdri i don’t know where to find it. I don’t understand this bug :shr…
OH NOOOOO !!! :surprised :surprised :surprised I find the way. In fact, i made a big function with a lot of “if” and in each “if” i recall the “scans…
Hello Galagast yes i made a wrong paste. i put a good here. I don’t understand why it doesn’t work. its your code i just change the name. I test you…
Hello Guys !! I need your help, again, Galagast or Bobo, or the two in the same time I use your code to make a function but it make me an error Thi…
Hello Galagast. Thank you so much for your explanations It’s very useful Thanks, thanks, thanks.
Thank galagast for your help. Your code works. I analyse it to understand how to make a function. I don’t understand yet. In fact, i want to work wi…
Hello justdintdoit !! Thanks a lot for your trick. I test it but when it scan the slot, if i don’t have a bitmap in the map numbered slot it search….
Thank you for your help bobo . I understand more what you want to say. great piece of code. I have an other question. In fact. I work on a tool to…
Thanks a lot for your lights. But how you can get a small scene with only a sphere to render it in “slot” of my interface ? I understand the principl…
i found a way to make the path display when i click on a map in the combobox’s list. . I just forget a double equal “==”.