Thanks a lot Johnny, There are some tools to do the same thing. I wanted to code something myself. So, by now, I must optimize the animated Gif becau…
Hello Guys, I made some improvements to my script. I see that the latest script made the particles over the path but they stay oriented…
Hello Widam3D, I’am happy if my script is useful to you. It need some improvements. I think an multi path system will be interesting. I try to learn …
Bobo: Glad someone came up with it approach (again). Good job! I published two DVDs almost a year ago (The PFlow Script Show Part 1 and 2 – see my …
Hello Galagast, I never mind you for linking my script. I thought this thread definetly didn’t interesting someone because i post it 4 month ago. I s…
I made a success. The script works with a spline and even an animated spline I made some tests and that very exciting. on ChannelsUsed pCont do …
Just one line solve the bug. on ChannelsUsed pCont do ( pCont.useTM = true pCont.useAge = true pCont.usePosition = true ) on Init pCo…
Hello Guys and Girls, I made a simple script. My particles follow the spline other on it no offset available by now. The script on ChannelsUsed …
Thank you a lot MoonDoggie ! I’ll test your script. Thanks for your help.
Thank you Professor420 !! That’s it ! :bounce: I gonna loose my mind to change severals maps You saved my mind
OH GOD !! 😮 That’s a wonderful job you do Mustan9 !! 😮 I’ve got a lot of job to do. But i still working on materials for leaves. Congratulat…