You forgot check duplicate face on each random local firstArray = #() while (firstArray.count<b and firstArray.count<a) do ( y = …
Hi Safra, Regarding your requirement, I think I can do it except the step 2. I cannot find ProOptimizer in 3ds max 2009
your $ = selection is collection of selected objects. But that function require input node, so it made error. You should to access each object of that…
angleaxis and eulerangles got same problem with order of rotation x,y,z Try the quaternion, you will get better
try qsort, it is the basic of maxscript, I think should read maxscript reference first fn compareFN v1 v2 = ( local d = v2.pos.x-v1.pos.x case o…
I think you should sort your dumArr before rotating. You can sort by name, position or any properties.
You should change: rotate i (angleaxis spnDeg.value [0,1,0]) –> rotate dumArr[i] (angleaxis spnDeg.value [0,1,0]) dumArr = ($chassis_* as array)…
try this one x = ( for o in selection where ((classof o.material) == MultiMaterial) collect o) for obj in x do for submat in obj.mat do ( –subm…
Try this one, I made some modification and it worked on my pc on roll open do ( when transform $b changes id:#shipMove do ( if (chk1.check…
on roll open do ( when transform $b changes id:#shipMove do ( if (chk1.checked == true) then ( Uray = ray [$b.pos.x, $b.pos.y, $b.pos…
Hi crimsonfox, Please follow this: rotate function will accumulate all rotation value –> you should set the rotation matrix directly You sh…
I think it isn’t much difficult, but take some hours to make that script. From a 2D point in UV, you can find all UV faces containing that point. Depe…
if so, I think it is very difficult to solve your case. Because some sub material use same texture but different material ID. So I think you should de…
if you don’t use multi-sub material, you can try this Run this tool Click “Clean matEdit” button (it will clean all your material editor) Select all…