I think you are speaking of Point Helpers. Go to max help and type “helpers” in the search tab. Then you can see below it all the helpers: click on th…
Just stored in my harddrive in case I need it in future. Thanks!
Customize / Customize User Interface / Menus tab Now to the Right Select Main Menu Bar and Below open the File menu select Reset file and click above …
I watched the images above and try using my BaoAutoChamfer (link to it in my signature) to replicate the result. I create that object and run BaoAutoC…
[left]MatEditor.Open() [/left] [left]Opens the Material Editor [/left] [left]<bool>MatEditor.isOpen() [/left] [left]Returns true if the Materi…
Hi Lars. I have edited the first post and updated to 1.1 the script. Now I think the extra vertices in long edges are no more created so a cleaner mes…
Here: you have my script to smooth (chamfer) edges using face normals threshold angles.
dlanier: Hi, It would help me as I am working on a BVH importer for Character Studio. In the Biped rollout you have the Motion Capture group and …