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Joined: Feb 15, 2024
Topics: 10 / Replies: 23
RE: Doing an Ivy generator in maxscript like the one of Thomas Luft.

I have gotten as far as below quoted but I get the enclosed picture as a script error in 3ds Max 6

17 years ago
RE: Doing an Ivy generator in maxscript like the one of Thomas Luft.

Do I install the ivy5.ms as a macroscript in the UI or do I run it from the RUN/Script command. When I run it from Max6/RunScript I get no response a…

17 years ago
RE: randomly placing objects in a scene but with a little difference

EDIT: I was able to open your file (I only have Max6) and the solution doesn’t require scripting at all. Apply and EDIT MESH to your shape and use as…

18 years ago
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