My solution was to run this chunk of code before initialising my paint tool: local source = pb_terrain.object local tri = snapshotasmesh pb_terrain….
@Serejah This worked perfectly! Thanks a lot! I just wodner wether it could be speed up a little, allthough the minor slowdown this caused isn’t too b…
clever! I’ll see if this works, guess I should set up the snapshot in the initialisation function of my Paint tool and delete it in the “End” and canc…
well, I know the triface index, but since I don’t know how to access tridata from an edit_poly modifier I can’t really get the proper vertex indices -…
While that works, that will break compatibility with versions of 3ds max that are older than max 9, wouldn’t it? And from the mxs help I figured thast…
Not at all. I’ve written a script to parse material files from an old Idtech3 based star wars game and create Standard Materials from them. To organis…
ashuradx: Greetings! I am quite new to maxscript and I have recently begun work on a Maxscript based leveldesign suite for an old idtech3 based game…